
In Jain tradition there is a fundamental doctrine known as Anekāntavāda which states that ultimate truth and reality has many aspects and is complex. From this teaching we learn that no single statement alone can describe absolute truth.

This teaching calls to mind a popular fable; in which six blind people are touching an elephant.  They each touch different parts of the elephant and from their varied perspectives come to a range of conclusions.  Some experience the elephant as a spear; for some the elephant is like a ball; and for some the elephant is like a fan.  It is only through the combination of all partial perspectives that we reach a more comprehensive reality.

In many ways, we have built Breathe Ojai to be like this; inviting each teacher and student to bring forth their own personal perspectives and collectively build a community from the inclusion of all of these many varied experiences.

Francesca Michelle Gold

Francesca Michelle Gold is a Certified Clinical Yoga Therapist through Loyola Marymount University and the International Association of Yoga Therapists. She has her Master of Arts in Yoga Studies. She’s been teaching for over 13 years and works to align her inner reality and value system with how she shows up in the world.

Two Poses to try for Meditation