Two Poses to try for Meditation

1. Sukhasana (easy pose)

Sit on a pillow and blanket so that your hips are situated higher than your knees. Cross your ankles and allow your knees to move out to the sides and then down. If you like, you can also place something under your knees. You’ll want your spine to be extended with your ears stacked overtop of your shoulders and hips. Place your hands on your thighs (palms up or down) and breathe in and out through your nose. Relax your jaw and allow your breath to gently flow in and out . Practice diaphragmatic breathing. Switch the crossing of your legs at any point

2. Vajrasana​ (thunderbolt pose)

This is an alternative to sitting in ‘easy pose’ which may feel more comfortable for meditation. Tuck your legs under you and sit on them! Some people bring their big toes to touch and others allow a few inches between them. Palms can rest up or down on your thighs. Again, stack your ears overtop of your shoulders and hips and relax your jaw as you breathe in and out. Relax your shoulders and enjoy!

Francesca Michelle Gold

Francesca Michelle Gold is a Certified Clinical Yoga Therapist through Loyola Marymount University and the International Association of Yoga Therapists. She has her Master of Arts in Yoga Studies. She’s been teaching for over 13 years and works to align her inner reality and value system with how she shows up in the world.



Asteya अस्तेय