This retreat is for anyone interested in exploring the intersections of modern-day postural Yoga, what embodiment, presence, and alignment mean in the context of relationship with oneself and others, and the ways in which self-inquiry might inform living a moral life. In this 3-day retreat, you will have the opportunity to fully engage in Yoga and self-inquiry in a reflective and sharing atmosphere. There will be daily yoga practices, a hike in the surrounding mountains, short silent sittings, vegetarian meals, and open discussions. Yoga classes will be breath-centered and focus on adaptation to the needs of the individual. You will explore the coordination of movement with breath to bring attention to the subtle movements of the body, breath, and mind through yoga.
“The real yoga, which is called Raja Yoga, King of Yogas, is to lead a highly moral life. Not morality according to circumstances or according to culture, but true ethical activity in life: not to hurt, not to drink, not to drug yourself, the right amount of sleep, the right amount of food, clear thinking, and acting morally, doing the right thing.”