Explore the Voices of Breathe Ojai’s Teachers
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In Jain tradition there is a fundamental doctrine known as Anekāntavāda which states that ultimate truth and reality has many aspects and is complex. From this teaching we learn that no single statement alone can describe absolute truth.
Asteya अस्तेय
Our bodies are all unique, and there is no one right way to do a pose that works for everyone. We have general guidelines based on anatomy that help us to find a place that we feel free while in that pose.
Saṅkalpa सकंप
You might find various distractions, such as laziness or procrastination, prevent you from following through with your sankalpa. This is an internal struggle between your heartfelt intention and your old habits. Acknowledge that this, too, is part of the practice. Be steadfast and it will strengthen you along the way to your goal.